Let Air Force One & OMNIA Optimize Your ESSER Funds


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How Can Air Force One And OMNIA Help You With ESSER Funds? 

For expert guidance in navigating your ESSER Funds, OMNIA and Air Force One stand ready to facilitate a seamless process. Our proficient team specializes in leveraging a proven process to efficiently manage every facet of your project, regardless of its size.

Specifically, when partnering with OMNIA and Air Force One, you benefit from the extensive experience of a commercial HVAC and building automation company. This expertise allows us to offer tailored solutions for utilizing ESSER Funds effectively. Whether it involves optimizing indoor air quality through advanced HVAC systems, implementing energy-efficient solutions, or ensuring the safety of learning environments, our team is equipped to address the unique needs of educational institutions. Trust us to provide comprehensive support, from project planning to execution, ensuring that your ESSER Funds are maximized to create a safe, conducive, and technologically advanced educational environment.

What Is ESSER? 

The Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER) is a federal program, managed by the Department of Education, designed to offer critical financial aid to public school districts nationwide in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This initiative serves to help K-12 institutions combat pandemic-related learning loss and make strategic investments in vital infrastructure and programs, fostering a safe and conducive educational environment for students.

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When Do ESSER Funds Expire?

School districts must adhere to a specific timeframe for the utilization of ESSER funds, as each round of funding comes with a designated deadline or “period of availability.”

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What Can ESSER Funds Be Used For? 

ESSER funds, mandated for COVID-19 prevention and learning loss mitigation, require districts to allocate at least 20% for evidence-based interventions. Air Force One and OMNIA can assist in optimizing ESSER funds for improving Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in schools. Here’s how:

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