
Community Programs & Updates

During a time when we are all feeling unsettled, Air Force One is especially grateful for the community we’ve built together. It is truly amazing to see everyone joining forces and working together for the greater good. This page of our website will be used to capture community programs and company offerings that are providing valuable resources in Ohio and across the country.

Learning Resources for Kids Out of School

There are various organizations providing free activities for kids who are out of school.

Senior Shopping Hours

There are multiple grocery store chains that are offing specific shopping times for only the elderly or immunocompromised.

  • KROGER – ONLY senior citizens over the age of 60 may shop from 7:00-8:00AM
  • WALMART – ONLY senior citizens over the age of 60 may come in 1 hour before the store opens
  • MEIJER – ONLY senior citizens over the age of 60 and First Responders can shop for 1 hour before the store is open to the public. Store Hours are 8:00AM-10:00PM
  • DOLLAR GENERAL – ONLY senior citizens over the age of 60 may shop the first opening hour of each day
  • TARGET – ONLY senior citizens over the age of 60 or with underlying health concerns my shop the first hour of each day
  • FOOD TOWN – ONLY senior citizens over the age of 65 or with underlying health concerns my shop from 7:00-8:00AM



To Apply for Unemployment CLICK HERE

TIP: You have to start a new weekly claim every Sunday. This claim will ask you to provide proof that you are actively seeking work. BUT because we are part of a pandemic lay-off we DO NOT have to be actively seeking work. The application will give you an error message and then will ask you why you did not look for work. Under the reasoning for not looking for work all you need to write is “temporary covid-19 separation”

Need help applying for unemployment benefits in Ohio? WATCH THIS VIDEO